Welcome to the new Reverend site!

Posted on Nov 7, 2012 in News, Rev Record | No Comments

Hi friends!

Welcome to the new and improved Reverend site! We are glad you’re here! As we continue to build the site, this will be your one-stop-shop for all things Rev: new songs and media, tour dates, you name it. Much love and thanks to our good friend BEN REY over at Pelican Design for refurbishing the site.

Other than this site, the biggest news we have to share right now is the launch of the Reverend Kickstarter page. Hop on over there, read more about it, and consider helping us fund our first ever studio-recorded, full-length, spankin’ new Reverend record! We need all the help we can get.

The plan is to head into the studio after Christmas and spend a total of eight days recording the record. There’s a lot to do between now and then, but we’re confident that with your support, we can make it all happen.

Much love, dear reader. Thanks for stopping by!




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