Pre-Production Weekend in NH

Posted on Nov 23, 2012 in News, Rev Record, Studio | No Comments

This past weekend (Thursday-Sunday, Nov 15-18), Andrew, Justin, and I (Kevin) had the opportunity to stay a few days on Lake Winnipesaukee as a band. We spent our time playing music, drinking coffee, playing (more) music, canoeing, lighting fires, playing (even more) music, hiking, watching Empire Strikes Back, falling asleep to Empire Strikes Back, and playing yet more music.

We came away with multiple recordings and ideas, re-working some old tunes and writing some new ones. The success of this weekend was due largely to the fact that we did not rush it. We blocked out three full days, with pre-production of the album as our only goal. We still have work to do, but we made some serious headway in getting ready for the recording studio. Through past experience, we know that you can never be too prepared for your time in the studio! We have been trying to diligently do our part on the front end to make sure our time in the studio is worth every minute. We are really looking forward to getting into the studio at the end of December! This weekend played a huge part in building that excitement.

A special thank you to the Andreson family for letting us use their lake house! We had a blast.


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